Christa Wichterich




Handelsabkommen, FTA

  • Gender and Trade in China and India. Employment and Empowerment. (2009)
  • Wichterich, Christa/ Menon-Sen, Kalyani (2009): Trade Liberalisation, Gender Equality, Policy Space: The Case of the Contested EU-India FTA, Brussels. ... download...  
  • Fierce, Fair and Unfair Competition (2008). The EU-China Trade Race and its gender Implications, WIDE Network, Brussels.
  • Economic Growth without Social Justice (2008), EU – INDIA Trade Negotiations and their Implications for Social Development and Gender Justice, WIDE Network, Brussels.  
  • Freihandel über alles. Wie die WTO das Wirtschaften weltweit bestimmt (2006), in: Frauenrat 1/06... download...